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.mac admin’s disregard for the rest of the world

January 31st, 2004 Leave a comment Go to comments

Tried to access .mac today and got:

This .Mac service is currently unavailable. In an effort to continually improve your .Mac experience, the .Mac service you’ve requested is undergoing maintenance. Please check back later. For updated .Mac status information, please visit http://www.apple.com/mac/status

Following the link gives:

January 26, 2004
The .Mac suite of services will be undergoing scheduled maintenance from midnight to 4 am PST on Saturday, January 31st, 2004. All web based services and client-based services (like WebMail, Bookmarks, iChat, iPhoto HomePage and Slides, and Backup) will be unavailable during this time.

This means that while Californians won’t really be bothered by this, (even New Yorkers will only miss it between 3am and 7am), the UK (and Europe) will suffer an outage between 8am (9am) and 12pm (1pm)

An email warning of this would have been nice.

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