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Muller Customer Service

October 2nd, 2004 Leave a comment Go to comments

I was unfortunate to get a Muller Yoghurt which, despite being within date, was very watery with curdled bits. A quick call to Muller and they sent me a letter apologising and 5 pounds of vouchers.

Well done to Muller.

Comment from Julie Heron (6/1/05):
Interesting thoughts on the Muller yougurt. I personally find them obstructive! I once bought one which had a toe nail in it. They would not accept responsibility!

Comment from Caroline Ryder (2/4/05):
what a funny website, but I also had the same problem with Muller yoghurts, esp the lemon cheesecake!

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  1. Janet Bentley
    July 22nd, 2012 at 21:30 | #1
    Using Internet Explorer Internet Explorer 9.0 on Windows Windows 7

    I bought a pack of Muller Limited Edition British Classics Corner from Morrisons at Hunslet Leeds,instead of 2 of each Cherry bakewell,Apple Pie,Eton Mess,there was no Eton Mess but 4 Cherry Bakwell,which happen to be my least favourite,my daughter bought the same with the same mistake so you would assume it is a batch problem.