BT Freestyle 2010 Recall Function
I was recently trying to explain to someone how call-waiting works (Talk Talk had enabled it on her line without explaining what it was or how to use it, so she though the beeping was a low battery warning)
“Just press Recall (or R) when you hear the beeps”, I said.
“I can’t find Recall (or R)”
Surely all modern phones have a recall button (or so I thought)
“What model phone is it?”, I asked.
“a BT Freestyle 2010”
A quick Google later produced the user manual, and on page 23 you find:

assuming of course that the original and new callers haven’t both given up by now and hung up. Why is this buried in a menu? Surely the Recall function should be as accessible as the buttons for dialling and hanging up. Given that BT promote this type of calling feature they should make the phones feature-friendly.
I ended up explaining how to disable call-waiting (#43#)