Ever filled in a form on a website where they insist that you provide your postal address, but you’re thinking “what the hell do you want that for? It’s not needed and it’s none of your business”?
You could always use:
23/24 Leinster Gardens
W2 3AN
What’s special about this address? Take a look.
If you need a phone number, try here.
Here’s some footage of Professor Stephen Hawking enjoying a flight on the ‘vomit comet’.
Wait until spring that is.
According to DigitalRadioTech.co.uk, current DAB receivers will be obsolete within a few years as DAB+ is introduced and the existing DAB services are switched off. The new DAB+ standard uses the AAC+ codec, while the existing services use MP2. Receivers capable of receiving the new services will only be available from spring.
That’s if you really want a poor quality alternative to FM. DAB is capable of so much more, but even the BBC has gone for content over quality. If you’re listening at home, stick to Digital Radio via Satellite or Freeview.
Well after the no-show last time (due to the weather) we got a good view of the lunar eclipse tonight. The following was taken at f5.6 1/4s 1600ASA using a 75-300mm zoom (35mm equiv: 480mm)
Here’s an interesting article about getting rid of the unwanted ‘technical clutter’ from your desk, such as power supplies, routers etc.
It seems that Hazel Blears has started to whinge about the police investigation into ‘cash-for-peerage’ claims, saying that it is “eroding trust” in the Government.
Maybe she forgets that trust is earned. Perhaps if she took a look at what the Government has done to this country over the last ten years, she will see the real reason for the erosion of trust.
Ruby was born today in the early hours.
I’m sure everyone can remember going into DIY shops as a child and causing mayhem by pressing all the buttons on the doorbell demonstration stand. Well you can now relive your childhood at this webpage.
I suffer from hay fever, and have done so from being a young child.
20 years ago, I decided to try a homoeopathic remedy instead of the usual antihistamines. I don’t remember the name, but it was a small white tablet which dissolved very quickly on the tongue.
Very soon after, I started to wheeze when exposed to pollen, something I had never experienced with hayfever before, so I stopped taking the tablets immediately. The wheezing however didn’t stop, and since then, whenever I get hayfever symptoms, the wheezing accompanies it.
It is with dismay, therefore that I read that the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has effectively given credence to homoeopathic remedies by introducing rules to allow them to specify the ailments for which they can be used.
Just got to have one of these…
UPDATE: Now available from Firebox