
Posts Tagged ‘mantle’

C & CA Holmes – A proper camping shop

August 10th, 2011 No comments

Coleman unleaded 1We have a Coleman Unleaded-1 camping lantern. While camping I needed to replace the gas mantle; no problem, there’s a spare one in the box, except there wasn’t; it presumably fell out at some point.

Since we were heading to Keswick today, it shouldn’t be a problem to get a spare, or so I thought.

C & CA HolmesAs anyone who has visited Keswick will know, it’s full of outdoor shops. Unfortunately, many of these have gone the same way as the ‘sports’ shops on the high street that wouldn’t know a piece of sporting equipment if you hit them over the head with it, because they are just selling ‘sports fashion’ clothes. I lost count of the number of blank looks I got when asking for a mantle in the outdoor shops around Keswick.

Fortunately, someone pointed me in the direction of C & CA Holmes, a small shop with high shelves and a knowledgeable gentleman who immediately reached under the counter and produced the exact replacement mantle for my model. Not surprisingly, their website states “We stock those hard to find items, that can ruin your holiday when you leave them at home”. A proper shop!