
Posts Tagged ‘Privacy’

Facebook privacy changes mean less privacy

December 10th, 2009 No comments

Facebook ProfileFacebook have made some long awaited changes to privacy settings, but while some are welcomed, they have completely dropped the ball on what they term Publicly available information. The EFF has more details here.

Profile pic no longer private

Whereas previously you could limit the visibility of both your profile picture and your friend list to your friends, this is no longer the case and anyone can see them. There doesn’t seem to be a workaround for the profile picture cock-up, so I have changed my facebook profile pic to the image shown on the right. Feel free to borrow it.

Friends List

While you can’t differentiate between friends and non-friends, you can change your profile not to show your friends list. Obviously this also removes this list for your friends. See this picture already posted by Phil VdG.

#friends #privacy on #facebook > #workaround to recent FB #se... on Twitpic